We provide businesses big and small with a wide range of advice and support, including:

“Acorn PR provided the energy and drive for a major communications project. Their advice was always practical and effective, and they provided an important perspective bridging corporate storytelling needs and media realities. Their wealth of experience was crucial to building a credible communications presence for the project, from high-level strategy to delivering in impeccable detail, and their work ethic was second-to-none.”
Business client

Non-government organisations
We provide affordable and highly practical services to charities, not-for-profits and industry groups.
“Acorn PR provide a professional service which is efficient and timely. They have a great team who are friendly and easy to relate to with good advice.”
Chair, charitable organisation
Government organisations
We can provide support to a range of government agencies and statutory organisations. We’re on the All-of-Government Consultancy Services Panel for policy, research and development, marketing and public relations services.

“Acorn PR’s ability to understand highly technical information and turn it into something that everyone can understand is exceptional. Their quality of work, ability to get things done, strategic insights and perseverance in challenging situations is outstanding.”
Senior manager, government agency